Ask Audrey:

Hi Audrey! I am feeling really overwhelmed lately. I am a teacher and back to school full time and also have three young kids of my own in school. I feel like I have no time for myself and I always say, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. Do you have a suggestion on how I can get back to prioritizing self-care and find a little time for myself?

Missing Myself


Dear Missing Myself,

I think most of us are feeling how you are feeling. I have to applaud you for being able to recognize how you are feeling and refocusing on prioritizing yourself! It’s something so few people do.

I believe I have the perfect Spa Luxetique item for you, their Citrus Cosmic Dreams Bath Set. This set has everything you need to sit back, relax and pamper yourself. This set includes two bath bombs, a bath puff, body lotion, body wash, spa slippers and a robe! It has everything you need to relax and re-set. Spa Luxetique’s bath bombs are made with Shea Butter, so they naturally rejuvenated your skin as you get to enjoy the colored bath water and aroma.

After your relaxing bath (may I suggest adding in a candle, wine or tea, meditation, light music or a good book!) step out of your tub and into their spa slippers. They are comfortable on your feet and make you feel like you’re staying in a hotel. The robe is white, bright and soft. It is absorbent as well so the perfect post-bath option.

I think this amazing gift set will really help you feel better and find time to reprioritize yourself. I hope that this is the reset you are looking for! Let me know if you try it and what your favorite part of your at-home spa experience was.

Love and well wishes,


September 12, 2021 — Audrey C

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