Dear Audrey,

I am not ready to accept that summer is over! Do you have any suggestions on items I should pack in my beach bag as beach essentials?

Blissful at the Beach

Dear Blissful at the Beach,

I agree! I cannot believe all of the local stores are already advertising Halloween! I am still in summer mode myself. Of course, with summer, comes the sun, which mean extra wear and tear on the skin! I love to turn to my Spa Luxetique products during this season!


One of my favorite sets is their complete spa sets with tote bags. These tote bags are patterned perfectly and match most of my bathing suits! I love that they are so trendy, BIG (big enough for a towel and more!) and cute! They always draw attention. Also when I get home from the beach, they have everything I need to treat my skin after a long day in the sun.


The other set I recommend when you are spending a long day on the beach is Spa Luxetique Shea Butter Lotion gift set! This set comes with 12 (1 oz) hand lotions and 2x (1.8oz) bars of soap. This is the perfect way to rejuvenate your skin after a long day in the sun and they are the perfect size to through in your beach bag and when you are on-the-go! With six different scents, there is always one to match your mood!


Let me know what other Spa Luxetique product you love to use after a fun day in the sun!

Love and well wishes,


August 22, 2021 — Audrey C

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